Review: The Bookseller of Kabul

The Bookseller of Kabul by Asne Seierstad Rarely, if ever, has a book left me with such profound feelings of sadness. This book made me feel shock. Despair. Hopelessness. To learn that—even when Afghanistan was briefly “freed” from the tyranny of the Taliban—women were still slaves to their husbands, sons, families, culture.   Rather than try to convince you how …

A Valentine’s Gift Suggestion

From “Memory Lane”….In the 1980’s, at Bryan College: Assistant Professor of Christian Education Craig Williford and Carolyn, Instructor of Freshman English, at the Senior Class’ Night Out!           **** A gift for your Valentine, your spouse. Have you thought about that yet? Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and Craig and I are here to help. This …

The Museum of Endangered Sounds

Today we’re excited to have guest writers again – Dave and Jen Smith. We’re privileged to consider them dear friends, co-laborers in full-time ministry (Dave’s a pastor), resources for any and all things creative, and two truly gifted teachers and writers, as you will soon learn…                          The Sounds …

My Daddy’s Hand

  Nearly every summer, my family traveled from Columbus, Ohio, all the way south to one of Florida’s beautiful beaches. In a pre-interstate freeway world with no air conditioning in our car, it was one long haul through sticky, hot weather, winding roads, and bumper-to-bumper traffic in every little hole-in-the-wall town in (what felt like never-ending) Georgia. But we made …

Are You an Assassin? And Is the Target…YOU?

I will never understand or relate to those who intentionally hurt themselves. But then I think…hmmm…am I guilty of this somehow too? What am I routinely doing that harms me? What actions damage Craig and my relationship? What causes discord between my family and/or friends and me? Or worst of all—what am I doing to damage my relationship with my God?   …

Does Your Spouse Know You’re on His/Her Team?

Craig’s plodding through yet another stressful time at school. Feels like there’s not much I can do to relieve any of that for him, but I do want him to know how much I support him when he’s feeling a tremendous weight for the responsibilities that he carries. Can you imagine knowing that your decisions could directly affect the health …

Glimpse into the Williford Home:The Paint Job

A couple weeks ago, Craig and I agreed we would paint the baseboard in the kitchen, down the hallway into the laundry room, and any door frames that needed to be included along that route. The start was a bit…rocky. “We need to agree on some issues before we get started,” I informed Craig. “Like we’ll do this naked?” he …

The Scenario. The Story. The Upshot.

(A symbolic representation of how sharply Craig was “tuned in” to me…..) The Scenario: A Din. A Denial. A Disagreement. A Discovery. The Story: DAY ONE *I hear a strange noise next to the fireplace *I tell Craig *He informs me it’s “just the wind blowing down the fireplace” *I give him a “WHAT?” look but let it pass DAY SEVEN …

The Scenario. The Story. The Upshot. The Takeaway.

This picture is from our recent trip to Yellowstone (Look for more and obviously much BETTER pictures on my Facebook!). Though our postures just happened to be this way, the picture certainly can represent where Craig and I were physically and emotionally a couple months ago! Sure looks like I’m pleading with him about something… A quick refresher on “The Story” from …