Guess I’ve seen one too many of those “baby bump” pictures. You know what I’m referring to: The star who poses for the camera, proudly showing off her pregnancy shape. Before you misunderstand…yes, I’m happy for her. Yes, I’m happy that often, it’s a couple proudly grinning for the camera. And finally, yes, I’m happy that they chose to give life rather than abort. So what IS my pet peeve? If the unborn child is wanted, subject to who knows what: convenience? sex of the baby? film-making schedule?– then it becomes a baby bump. But when it’s unwanted, it becomes a mere “mass” and is discarded as “fetal tissue.”
Here’s my point: You don’t get to have it both ways, moms-to-be. If you believe in abortion and you’re pro-choice, then it’s ALWAYS fetal tissue. And you have a fetal bump. That disposable mass didn’t suddenly become a baby just because you decided he or she was viable. That baby was a baby from the moment God created him or her. And if you abort him or her….you have disposed of a baby. Correction: killed. A baby.
Maybe this election season is demonstrating where we are morally, how far we’ve fallen? I have no argument for why we shouldn’t suffer the consequences for our choices. When we kill our unborn children…but have laws to protect animal species…what does that say about us?
Maybe we Americans don’t get to have it both ways either: We sin, almost proudly…definitely defiantly. And expect blessing? Maybe it’s time we got down on our knees. And I know that needs to begin with me…
God forgive us. God forgive me. Please.