A Balanced Life? Really? Live Your Priorities

From Craig:What are the most important characteristics you desired in a spouse? The research is consistent across all age groups: “A good spouse puts family above everything else.” When I hear that, I wonder if Carolyn and my family believe that I put them above everything else in my life? I hope they do, but how would they know? Would …

Oh, the Games that We Play, or…What We Have Here Is a Failure to Communicate!

 I imagine if I could do a poll right now concerning one of the major attractions to your spouse, an overwhelming response would be how the two of you could talk for hours, never running out of things to say, never getting bored, never failing to intimately understand each other. So what’s happened since those first endless conversations when we …

Oh, the Games that We Play: Twenty Questions!

EQUIPMENT NEEDED:Husband and wife, both equally fallible. Add just…the demands of daily living.   GAME BOARD SET-UP:I would be so angry with Craig about something. Or I might be hurt. Could be a mixture of hurt and angry. But whatever I was…it was obvious. Mouth set in a grim line. Eyes narrowed or red from crying. Avoiding looking at or touching Craig. And the …

Developing Skills to Function as a Team

Now, I Understand Still struggling with the concept? Hang in there with us! *Here’s one more example from our experience:This past summer we vacationed with a number of my family members. We had a fantastic time, but often I ended up with the job of being in charge—finding out what everyone wanted to do, where we’d go, how we would …

Sex. Or Not. Part One

Part 1 2.21.2019 We were driving to a couples’ retreat center in Fairhaven, Tennessee, for some serious work on our marriage. The number one issue: Our broken sex life. Two weeks before, I’d summoned all my courage to tell Craig we needed a total break from sex until we’d worked out what was the core issue. In the previous months, …

Sex. The Background. The Crash. Part Two

3.7.2019 Craig comes from a family of origin that was very open about sex. Because of his parents’ frankness, he gleaned that sex could be a healthy and enjoyable part of marriage. And because there was no obvious hiding or embarrassment associated with his parents’ sex life, Craig never cast it as something to keep hidden or secret and therefore …

Sex. The Healing Begins. Part Three

3.21.2019 After a meal eaten in pretty much total silence, we moved to the living room to do the one thing we’d both agreed on when we booked this trip: Read Cliff and Joyce Penner’s The Gift of Sex, out loud. Even then we were short with each other concerning who would read first, what chapters to read, and how we …

Sex. Bonus Addition: An Interview with Craig

3.21.2019 I thought it might prove helpful to you all if I interviewed Craig—capturing his perspective—regarding the story I shared in the last three newsletters. Let’s see if I can entice him to open up a bit… First Question: What’s your name, rank, and serial number? Craig Williford; The Best Husband in the World; 10 out of 10 2. Do …

The Word That Strikes Fear in the Hearts of Men, Part One

1.17.2019 We were close friends—five men and five women— standing in a kitchen enjoying each other’s company. The conversation was light, humorous and free flowing. Then suddenly the topic of intimacy entered our conversation. Within sixty seconds, every man fled from the kitchen to another location in the house, abandoning their wives. What is it about the word intimacy that strikes fear in the …

The Word That Strikes Fear in the Hearts of Men, Part 2

2.7.2019 From Craig’s desk…. Intimacy can be defined by three C’s: Closeness: The ability to let down your inner barriers and allow someone else to see you as you are. When you feel close to another person, you don’t mind if that person sees you without your normal defenses—psychological and otherwise. You feel safe with that person because you know that he …