The Pleasure in Watching Your Child

I wrote once before about how I look for Robb everywhere—in crowds; whenever I see the back of a redhead; every single time I see TBDBITL, the OSU Marching Band (and then I cry too); when I see a daddy with two little boys in tow. I’m drawn to look for him like the pull of gravity on my body: …

Cold-hearted or Vulnerable?

What biblical character do you think spoke these words: “We have spoken freely to you, ___, and opened wide our hearts to you. We are not withholding affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. As a fair exchange—I speak as to my children—open wide your hearts also.” “Make room for us in your hearts!” (emphasis mine) What …

Healing? or Hiding?

Community. Instantly, a barrage of feelings hits me. How can one word provoke such strong reaction? On the positive side, I note: filling, encouraging, blessing. But on the negative: depleting, discouraging, exhausting. Why the disparity, and when is one or the other in effect? When I’m healthy and doing well, community plays a rewarding role in my life. I seek community, absorb from it, …

What’s the Worth of a Son?

  “He’s gone.” I’ll never forget the sound of Craig’s voice, how it literally stripped my strength, dropping me to the floor. Our firstborn…our Robb…gone? Sometimes it still feels surreal, but the unremittant pain of desperately missing him–hearing his voice, feeling that hug, sharing the mundane and the highlights of life–all of that forces me to accept the stark reality. Robb is gone. Walking and praying this morning, I was especially …

Fifteen Shades of Shame

In relation to this book and movie, I am… 1. Ashamed what our Founding Fathers would think of us on this President’s Day 2. Ashamed of what this says about our country’s morals 3. Ashamed of the record-setting attendance 4. Ashamed of an industry that puts out films like this 5. Ashamed of a people who only encourage the industry …

I Want to Quit!

  I wrote this article years ago for a magazine named Quiet Waters Compass. Quiet Waters, a wonderful ministry to pastors and wives, is now led by our dear friend Scott Thompson. And though this article was originally intended only for pastors’ wives, I think it has applications for all women: women in ministry, women volunteering at churches, women working at parachurch organiztions, and women…well, …

How Can I Be Sure?

Zechariah’s question haunts me. After he was told about the imminent birth of his son–to be named John, the one who would go before and announce the Messiah’s mission here on earth–Zechariah asked the fateful question, “How can I be sure?” Clearly he did so in disbelief, because Gabriel responded authoritatively, with disciplinary consequence: “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of …

The Last Time

The holidays are fast approaching, and that means December 23 is coming again. It looms over me like a dark, menacing cloud just over my shoulder–bringing feelings of dread and wariness, threatening more. How will it feel this year? I wonder. Will the feelings be just as strong, but different? Or will they be achingly familiar, but not as strong? One …

Looking for Robb

I never expected this odd consequence of losing my son: I look for Robb everywhere. I’ve traveled across the United States and to several countries overseas since he died nearly four years ago, and everywhere I go–whether it’s around the world or down the street to run errands–I search for him. Constantly. It’s not rational. Of course it’s not. But what driving, covert force compels me to search for men …

The Futility of Comparisons

Maddy loves to retrieve her tail. Yes, you read that correctly: she’s our (dingy, Ritalin-needing) labrador retriever. And one of her favorite objects to retrieve is her own tail. It drives Craig crazy (she doesn’t appear terribly intelligent while doing it, I must admit, though none of us who know Maddy would ever consider her highly intelligent anyway) but I find it …