Just Today and Tomorrow…

Jordan’s Bend will be FREE on kindle! If you enjoy historical fiction, and if you’ve ever suffered deep pain, struggling with God’s will and the why’s? of that pain…then you will enjoy reading Jordan’s Bend. The story takes place in 1935 in Tennessee, when Rachael’s family is told by the Tennessee Valley Authority that they must move from the land …

Announcements, Announcements, Announcements!

Jordan’s Bend is now available on kindle – and today through Friday, October 21, it is FREE! If you do download and read it, here’s my only request: Please do a review on Amazon. That would be SO helpful! You can get Jordan’s Bend two ways: 1. On Amazon 2. At ebook daily: http://ebookdaily.com/free-kindle-ebooks/2016-10-18/B01LWS6YI6 Enjoy!

My Thighs Need Math 101

Okay…so here’s how my mind works when it comes to counting calories: Sunday we ate at Cheesecake Factory, and I was so disciplined, so good. I said “no” to the chocolate cake that I absolutely love. By doing that, I dodged a zillion calories, I’m figuring. As a reward then–and because I still craved something sweet–after we got home I …

Happy Birthday, sweet Robb

We were shopping in a quaint town in Wisconsin when I saw him: an adorable redhead, probably around 9 years old, sitting at a small table outside an ice cream shop. I always notice redheads, so I zeroed in on this cute little guy. And totally unexpectedly, he looked right into my eyes. And grinned. It was the kind of …

Take It with You

It was one of those sales–you know the kind–when there’s 50% off the original price, and now they’re another 50% off the sale price. So with that kind of bargain, you just KNOW you’re gonna find something, some amazing deal, some bargain that is so good you’ll be pretty much dancing your way to the dressing room. A friend of …

Six Hours

That’s how long Jesus hung on the cross: six hours. Six seemingly endless hours of absolute agony. The physical suffering was obvious: Every time Jesus needed to breathe, he had to push himself up against the driven nails in his feet and wrists to catch his breath, making every single breath pure agony for him. This was a torture by …

Can’t Have It Both Ways

Guess I’ve seen one too many of those “baby bump” pictures. You know what I’m referring to: The star who poses for the camera, proudly showing off her pregnancy shape. Before you misunderstand…yes, I’m happy for her. Yes, I’m happy that often, it’s a couple proudly grinning for the camera. And finally, yes, I’m happy that they chose to give …

My Redhead

A few weeks ago I was thinking about my upcoming birthday (love the cake; dislike another digit closer to the big 65), and since I haven’t really had a memorable “feel like I spent time with Robb” dream in 4 years, I started praying that God would grant another dream as a birthday present. Only a couple days went by …

The Cost

Dear couple friends of ours experienced something absolutely amazing this past year: tests proved she was a match for her husband, and so she donated a kidney. Miracle upon miracle—that she was a perfect match. That her healthy kidney survived and thrived in him, and even when he developed a life-threatening infection. That both are alive and well, testifying to …

All Is Well

I woke up feeling so weighed down this morning. I know why, and it’s inevitable, the heaviness that visits this time of year. Even if I’m not thinking of Robb consciously, it comes unbidden to my subconscious. The brain retains all those memories, and we know it definitely keeps the emotions of past experiences there too. So my heart is …